comptia datax certification featured image
News & Events

COLSA’s Director of Data Science Helps Develop New CompTIA DataX Certification 

In November 2022, Jay Sebastian, Director of Data Science at COLSA, traveled to CompTIA Headquarters in Downers Grove, IL, for a week to develop the CompTIA DataX certification. Jay worked alongside 11 other Su...

employee spotlight featured image
Business Development Culture

Employee Spotlight: Jay Sebastian

Jay Sebastian is COLSA’s Director of Data Science. In this role, he is responsible for growing COLSA’s capabilities in Data Science, and leading our innovation technology ecosystem comprising COLSA’s Data Scien...

Employee of the Year (1)
Business Development Culture

Employee Spotlight- Joseph Ozbolt

Joseph Ozbolt is currently a Data Scientist for COLSA and an Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning developer. After completing his Masters and Ph.D. in math at Auburn University, Joseph diligently searched f...

Employee of the Year (1)
Business Development Culture

Employee Spotlight-Randall Gay

Randall’s impressive background in math and experience in the Navy has led him to become a valuable member of the COLSA team as a Data Scientist. After attending Auburn University and pursuing his Bachelo...


Why COLSA Wednesday: Extended – Ryan Shu

Ryan Shu While finishing his graduate degree last year, Ryan Shu was looking for internship opportunities from all over the country. He was drawn to the defense industry, specifically companies with a strong ...

Life of YoPro

Life of a YoPro: Johnathan Stuecker

Johnathan Stuecker is one of our part-time student employees that recently completed our summer internship program. Not only is Johnathan pursuing an undergraduate degree in aerospace engineering from the Unive...

Business Development Culture

Director of Data Science: Jay Sebastian

This week at COLSA, we are highlighting our Data Science Department and would like to introduce you to our Director of Data Science- Mr. Jay Sebastian.  Jay Sebastian Before attending the United State...

Data Scientists Employee Spotlight article
Business Development

Defining Tomorrow – COLSA Data Scientists Employee Spotlight

“Data is the new gold, and data science is the new gold rush.”Aaron Elliot, COLSA Senior Data Scientist In business as on the battlefield, information is required at mission speed. Data is the currency of kn...

Culture News & Events

COLSA’s Data Science Lab: The Art of the Possible

Human ingenuity knows few limits. Whenever we encounter a problem, we put our heads together and devise a solution. In the modern world, however, the usual wisdom seems archaic, ever so slightly slower.  ...

Contract Win

Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Intelligent Automation Artificial Intelligence (IAAI) Contract Win

COLSA was recently selected as one of the prime contractors on the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Intelligent Automation/Artificial Intelligence (IAAI) Solutions, Services, and Products IDIQ. The...