comptia datax certification featured image
News & Events

COLSA’s Director of Data Science Helps Develop New CompTIA DataX Certification 

In November 2022, Jay Sebastian, Director of Data Science at COLSA, traveled to CompTIA Headquarters in Downers Grove, IL, for a week to develop the CompTIA DataX certification. Jay worked alongside 11 other Su...

employee spotlight featured image
Business Development Culture

Employee Spotlight: Jay Sebastian

Jay Sebastian is COLSA’s Director of Data Science. In this role, he is responsible for growing COLSA’s capabilities in Data Science, and leading our innovation technology ecosystem comprising COLSA’s Data Scien...

employee spotlight featured image
Business Development Culture

Employee Spotlight-Paula Walters

Paula Walters serves as the Program Manager overseeing one of COLSA’s most significant contracts, known as Systems and Software Security Engineering (S3E). In her role, she engages in a diverse range of c...

Employee of the Year (1)
Business Development Culture

Employee Spotlight- Diana Tanner

Diana is a COLSA Cyber Analyst supporting both the Army Aviation and Missile Command (DEVCOM AvMC) in Huntsville and the High-Performance Computing Modernization Office (HPCMO) in Vicksburg, Mississippi and Abe...