Business Development News & Events Success Stories

COLSA Ranked on Washington Technology Top 100 Federal Contractors

In COLSA’s mission statement, we state that we want to provide the “latest and most innovate” technology and solutions. Our goal is to continually adapt to the world and ensure that our customer receives the be...

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Culture News & Events Talent Acquisition

COLSA Dedicated to STEM Education Through Educational Initiatives

Contrary to popular belief, the future doesn’t just happen. Instead, the future is anticipated, striven for, and achieved. At COLSA, we believe that by supporting the educational STEM initiatives of the here...

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Culture News & Events

A Culture of Wellness – COLSA’s WE CARE Program Puts Employees First

The health and wellness of our employees is central to our mission. We encourage healthy lifestyle choices and a sustainable work/life balance by providing diverse resources to each of our employees and their s...

Culture News & Events

COLSA’s Data Science Lab: The Art of the Possible

Human ingenuity knows few limits. Whenever we encounter a problem, we put our heads together and devise a solution. In the modern world, however, the usual wisdom seems archaic, ever so slightly slower.  ...

Culture News & Events

Women in Leadership – Part II

COLSA is proud to celebrate the achievements of female employees in honor of Women’s History Month. One of our most esteemed colleagues is the Regional Manager of our northeastern office in Burlington, Massachu...

Culture News & Events

Women in Leadership – Part I

In celebration of Women’s History Month in the United States, we took some time to sit down with a few leading COLSA women across the company. “This is a wonderful time for young female leaders to really be ...

Contract Win News & Events

COLSA Part of Team Selected by AFLCMC for EPASS/WIU

COLSA Corporation is part of a team led by Quantitech, Inc. that was recently awarded the Rotary and Fixed Wing task order by the U.S. Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC).  The contract provides acq...

Contract Win News & Events

COLSA Awarded EPASS/Mobility-PAR/Executive-Tanker Support Contract

COLSA is pleased to announce that we were recently awarded a combined contract to support the U.S. Air Force’s Mobility and Training Aircraft Directorate (AFLCMC/WL), the Presidential and Executive Airlift Dire...

News & Events

COLSA Employee of the Year Awards

People, integrity, teamwork, and customer satisfaction—these four values have guided COLSA since our inception 40 years ago. Our greatest assets are the men and women who walk into our offices every day and con...

Contract Win News & Events

COLSA Awarded PO MDSS/JTAGS Support Contract

COLSA is pleased to announce that we were recently awarded the Project Office, Missile Defense and Space Systems/Joint Tactical Ground Station (PO MDSS/JTAGS) support contract with the U.S. Army Program Executi...