Johnathan Stuecker is one of our part-time student employees that recently completed our summer internship program. Not only is Johnathan pursuing an undergraduate degree in aerospace engineering from the Unive...
Why COLSA Wednesday was created to show the potential new hire, customer, or everyday person who COLSA is on the inside. Read on to hear from Ryan Shu, Samantha Virray, and Morgan Garris about why they ch...
The evolution of computers over the past couple of decades is a stark one. We now utilize computers to do everything from research to staying connected. Considering that, many of us use our computers for very p...
Wade Hawkins Six years ago, Wade Hawkins moved with his wife from Utah to Ohio so that he could start a new job with COLSA. After eight months in his first position, the need for a program manager position on...
Ryan Comandante is one of our recent new hires at COLSA as he just started a little over a year ago supporting our long-time Navy client on the Data Link Test Tools contract that we’ve been executing for over 2...
Larry Law Larry Law started at COLSA a few years back under one of COLSA’s contracts and wanted something that would challenge him and help him to develop professionally. He previously worked with the A...
For this Why COLSA Wednesday, we wanted to do something special for Veterans Day. Our Why COLSA Wednesday features three veterans from three different areas of the company this month. Read on to hear how COLSA ...
Cecelia Poehlman During the summer of 2020, Cecelia Poehlman started with COLSA as a summer intern in the Cyber and Information Warfare (CIW) Department. She was the intern team’s technical writer, which was ...
This past summer, COLSA had the privilege of hosting many summer interns. Amongst those interns was Donovan Romo, a former farm hand for our founder, Mr. Collazo. While working on the farm, Donovan had the oppo...
Melissa Garber is one of any COLSA employees that work on our NASA HOSC Contract. Read on to hear why she came to COLSA and chose to stay every day. Q: What do you do for COLSA? A: I ...