COLSA Department Spotlight
Business Development Culture

Department Spotlight: Proposals

The federal government spends billions of dollars to acquire services and products. To do this, the Department of Defense relies on contractors to provide the U.S. military with a wide variety of these services...

Business Development Culture

Why COLSA Wednesday

Most people do not know what a company’s culture is like if they are not immersed in it daily. When you start a new job, it is hard to see what you are getting into and what to expect from the people ther...

Business Development Culture

Director of Data Science: Jay Sebastian

This week at COLSA, we are highlighting our Data Science Department and would like to introduce you to our Director of Data Science- Mr. Jay Sebastian.  Jay Sebastian Before attending the United State...

Business Development Culture

Why COLSA Wednesday

Every potential new hire wants to know: who are you, COLSA? That’s why we are starting Why COLSA Wednesday. Each week, we will take a day to show why our employees choose COLSA in the beginning and contin...

Business Development News & Events Success Stories

COLSA Ranked on Washington Technology Top 100 Federal Contractors

In COLSA’s mission statement, we state that we want to provide the “latest and most innovate” technology and solutions. Our goal is to continually adapt to the world and ensure that our customer receives the be...

generic article
Business Development

OASIS/OSIG Industry Day

For Immediate Release: COLSA hosting a Small Business Networking Session and Data Analytics Theme Room at OASIS/OSIG Industry Day Huntsville, AL – Join COLSA as we host a Small Business Networking Sess...

COLSA-and-NASA article
Business Development Success Stories

COLSA and NASA – A Partnership for the Stars

For 16 years, COLSA has delivered support to NASA and both manned and unmanned spaceflight to the International Space Station (ISS). At NASA’s Huntsville Operations Support Center (HOSC), we deliver services an...

Data Scientists Employee Spotlight article
Business Development

Defining Tomorrow – COLSA Data Scientists Employee Spotlight

“Data is the new gold, and data science is the new gold rush.”Aaron Elliot, COLSA Senior Data Scientist In business as on the battlefield, information is required at mission speed. Data is the currency of kn...

ISS SSE article
Business Development

COLSA Leads the Evolution of Systems & Software Engineering

The Systems and Software Engineering fields are two of the fastest-growing disciplines in the modern world.  By maximizing our role in this ever-expanding field, COLSA positions its employees at the evolving ed...